States That Offer Exoneree Compensation

$50,000 per year minimum, additional sum at discretion of legislature with a 2 year deadline. Exonerees with post-exoneration feolony convictions are ineligible. View Statute (PDF)

$100 per day with a 2 year deadline. No restrictions. View Statute (PDF)

Calculates actual damages and reintegration expenses with no deadline. View Statute (PDF)

Washington DC
Calculates actual damages with no deadline. Guilty pleas are ineleigible unless it was a death penalty case. View Statute (PDF)

$50,000 per year, with a 2 million maximum, attorney's fees, waiver of tuition and fees for up to 120 hours of instruction. Two year deadline. Exonerees with post-exoneration feolony convictions are ineligible. View Statute (PDF)

$85,350 for  5 years; $170,000 for  6 to 14 years; $199,150 for 14 years plus. Attorney fees are paid.  No deadline. View Statute (PDF)

$50 per day plus lost wages up to $25,000 maximum. Attorney fees are paid. Two year deadline. Guilty pleas are ineligible. View Statute (PDF)

$15,000 per year up to $150,000 maximum. Two year deadline. View Statute (PDF)

Calculates actual damages. View Statute (PDF)

Up to  $300,000 with a two year deadline View Statute (PDF)

$50,000 per year up to  $500,000 maximum with a three year deadline. View Statute (PDF)

$50 per day for one year. DNA exonerations are the only cases eligible. View Statute (PDF)

Educational services only. DNA exonerations are the only cases eligible. View Statute (PDF)

Up to  $500,000 with no deadline. View Statute (PDF)

New Hampshire
Up to $20,000 with three year deadline. View Statute (PDF)

New Jersey
$20,000 per year or twice pre-conviction salary, whichever is greater. Two year deadline. View Statute (PDF)

New York
Unspecified amount with two year deadline. View Statute (PDF)

North Carolina
$50,000 per year up to  $750,000 maximum. Job training and education assistince. Five year deadline. View Statute (PDF)

$40,330 per year.  Attorney's fees and lost wages paid. Two year deadline.  Guily pleas ineligible. View Statute (PDF)

$175,000 maximum with no deadline. Guilty pleas ineligible. View Statute (PDF)

One million dollar maximum with one year deadline. View Statute (PDF)

$80,000 per year, death row exoneree $100,000 per year, plus $25,000 per year spent on parole or registered as a sex offender, plus lifetime monthly annuity payments. Three year deadline. Post-exoneration feolony convictions are ineligible. Prohibits exoneree from filing civil suit. View Statute (PDF)

Average annual Utah wage per year, maximum 15 years, plus damages up to $500, 000. One year deadline. View Statute (PDF)

$30,000-$60,000 per year; up to 10 years.  Health service, attorney fees,  reintegration services and costs paid. Three year deadline. Prohibits exoneree from filing civil suit. View Statute (PDF)

90% of average Virginia income per year, up to 20 years plus a tuition award worth $10,000 in the VA community college system. Prohibits exoneree from filing civil suit, guilty pleas ineligible except death penalty cases. View Statute (PDF)

West Virginia
Unspecified amount with two year deadline. View Statute (PDF)

$5,000 per year up to  $25,000 maximum. View Statute (PDF)

States That Offer Exoneree Compensation
an organization working to correct wrongful convictions

an organization working to correct wrongful convictions
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