Jason Puracal News Articles

Reclaman ante ONU por condiciones de reo gringo


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They claim to UN by gringo inmate conditions

In an urgent request to the National Council of the United Nations (UN), pro-American Jason Puracal, arrested in the model, Tipitapa, has come to light the appalling prison conditions in the country.

The request made by the family of American jailed since November 11, 2010, for alleged drug trafficking, money laundering and international crime, the description notes that these make to the international organization of the cell where Puracal is being held.

Noting that the detainee was deprived of his liberty without proof, refer to this sharing a crowded small cement cell with seven individuals. No water service. The cell has "a hole in the ground that not only serves as a toilet, but as a sink, shower and sink for dishes. Sanitary conditions are inhuman. "

To this we add that, the cell including the detainee's bed is infested with ticks and ants. While the water of the prison is infested with parasites, but the prison authorities allegedly forced to buy drinking water inmates in the prison shop, the families of Puracal argue in their petition to the UN.

Jason Puracal News Articles
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