Jason Puracal

October 15, 2012: My Visits With Nyki Kish: A Life Changing Experience
By Matt Baratta
Where is the last place on earth that you would want to be? I think a majority of people would answer prison and I would be in that majority. Despite this fact, I planned my recent vacation so that I could spend time in a prison as a visitor.
December 30, 2011: Nyki’s Nightmare Needs to End in 2012
By Matt Baratta
On October 25, 2011, I wrote an article titled “Amanda Knox Is Finally Free.” In this article, I stated, “I want to start out by saying that this is the greatest injustice that I have ever had any knowledge of.” Unfortunately, I have come across another case that is very similar to Amanda’s. This one involves a Canadian citizen, Nicole (“Nyki”) Kish, who was convicted of murder in Toronto. As of this writing, Nyki has served 3.5 years of in house arrest and 9 months of jail time in a maximum security facility. I did not learn about Amanda Knox until the appeal was well under way so I did not have an opportunity to get personally involved in her case other than to make a donation to her defense fund. When I learned about Nyki’s case through one of the Amanda Knox support sites on Facebook, I decided to get personally involved and try and help Nyki and family. Fortunately, Nyki has very strong support from her family and some devoted friends. My contact has been Nyki’s mother, Tina, who is extremely dedicated and loyal to Nyki. She has a four year old sister, Toria, who is very supportive and outspoken in claiming Nyki’s innocence. Nyki also enjoys great support from her father and grandmother. Continue reading →
August 9, 2011: Life in Prison
By Nyki Kish
Inside maximum-security prison, life is very unlike what most would believe. The stereotypical image of prison that most media paint, with hundreds of prisoners interacting in large cafeterias, yards, and cellblocks, would in fact be a great improvement to most us here. The jail we know is one of deprivation and isolation. Continue reading →
June 17, 2011: Convicted by the Media, Sentenced by the Courts
Nicole Kish feels like she’s “living in a bad John Grisham novel.”
Kish was convicted of second-degree murder on March 1, 2011, and sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 12 years. An activist, artist and a singer-songwriter with no criminal record, Kish has maintained her innocence since the 2007 death of Ross Hammond, which occurred after a large street brawl near the Toronto intersection of Queen and Bathurst. Continue reading →
March 17 2011: Toronto: “A Menace to Society”: Crooked Cops, Hoboes
On August 8th 2007, a group of traveling kids were in the city of Toronto celebrating the 21st birthday of Nicole Kish. While on Queen St., an altercation was to occur that would end in the death of a one Ross Hammond, Nicole sustaining a severe stab wound, and the arrest of four of the traveling kids that were present that night, one of whom was Nicole Kish. It was to be dubbed almost instantaneously as the “panhandler stabbing” in what was to be an unprecedented massive media blitz before little about what had transpired that night could be known. Anti-homeless laws were passed or existing ones vehemently enforced, and massive police round ups of the homeless were made, with many of those arrested serving up to 90 days under the guise of Ontario’s Safe Streets Act - safe from what and from whom, well that was to go without saying.
an organization working to correct wrongful convictions