Nicaragua top perception of corruption
Valdivia González Nohelia
Corruption remains entrenched in the world, according to the latest report by Transparency International (TI), which places Nicaragua at the head of the countries with the highest perception of corruption in Central America. Corruption Remains entrenched in the world, According To the latest report by Transparency International (TI), Which places at the head of Nicaragua Countries With The Highest the perception of Corruption in Central America.
Index of Corruption Perception (CPI), published last December, measures perceptions of corruption on a scale of zero to ten, with zero indicating high levels of corruption and ten at low levels. Index of Corruption Perception (CPI), published last December, Perceptions of Corruption Measures on a scale of zero to ten, With High Levels Indicating zero and ten of Corruption at Low Levels. Accordingly, Nicaragua boasts a 2.5 CPI, well below the lower half of the index. Accordingly, Nicaragua boasts CPI to 2.5, well below the lower half of the index.
Nicaragua also has a poor perception of corruption Honduras (2.6), Guatemala (2.7), Panama (3.3), El Salvador (3.4) and Costa Rica (4.8) which is in the isthmus, the country with better perception of transparency in the public management. Also have a poor Nicaragua perception of Corruption Honduras (2.6), Guatemala (2.7), Panama (3.3), El Salvador (3.4) and Costa Rica (4.8) in the isthmus Which is, the country with better perception of Transparency in the public management.
The overall index of 182 countries Nicaragua is located at position 134, 129 in Honduras, Guatemala in the 120, Panama in the 86, 80 in El Salvador and Costa Rica at No. 50. The Overall index of 182 Countries Nicaragua is located at position 134, 129 in Honduras, Guatemala in the 120, Panama in the 86, 80 in El Salvador and Costa Rica at No. 50.