Jason Puracal's Convicting Judge leaves Nicaragua

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Claiming that he was going to Spain to study for a PhD, he left the courthouse in Rivas, the controversial and now former deputy judge of the court hearing and trial of Rivas, Alberto Artola Kreeger Narvaez, who had been appointed to that position even though was not registered in the Supreme Court as a lawyer and notary public.

The place of Leon Narvaez Artola, is now occupied by Lucia Flores Centeno, who is a relative of the judge and whoever Yadira Centeno past week has been holding hearings in the Criminal District court hearings.

The Artola Leon Narvaez was appointed judge on May 9, 2011 through an agreement that lacks the letterhead and signature of the high court judges. On May 16, 2011, Judge of the Court of Appeals of Granada, Norman Miranda, which officially sworn in as judge, when he was not even registered as a lawyer and notary public by the supreme court, as this was confirmed by a letter dated June 27 issued by the Department of Registration and Control of Lawyers and Notaries Public of the judiciary.

Stepping out into the public light anomaly Artola appointment of Narvaez, judiciary officials defended themselves saying that Narvaez Artola was not in the registry of the Supreme Court as an Attorney and Notary Public, administrative technical error and was legally incorporated.

The former judge also reported in late 2010 in Leon, one aggravated fraud to the detriment of university students from the UNAM Lion and the cases were referred to the Public Ministry, which finally decided to dismiss the indictment because the individual amounts of affected are less than two minimum wages.
February 4, 2012: Nicaraguan newspaper, El Nuevo Diario, reported that the judge who convicted Jason has fled to Spain.
Jason Puracal's Convicting Judge leaves Nicaragua
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