Jason Puracal
Recent News & Updates
June 13, 2012: State Supreme Court Not Taking Snow Case
BLOOMINGTON-A Bloomington family isn't giving up hope despite a State Supreme Court ruling. Continue reading →
June 13, 2012: Court case of Jamie Snow rejected by Illinois Supreme Court
The Illinois Supreme Court has decided not to hear the case of Jamie Snow. He is a Bloomington man serving a life sentence for murdering a gas station attendant in 1991 during an armed robbery. Continue reading and watch video →
June 07, 2012: Supreme Court declines to hear Snow's case
SPRINGFIELD — The Illinois Supreme Court will not consider the case of a Bloomington man who claims he is innocent of the 1993 murder of a Bloomington gas station attendant. Continue reading →
May 22, 2012: Prosecutors urge Supreme Court not to hear Snow case
BLOOMINGTON — A Bloomington man serving life in prison for the 1991 murder of a gas station attendant should not have the chance to bring his case to the Illinois Supreme Court, prosecutors argued in a recent court filing. Continue reading →
May 2, 2012: Supporters of man convicted of murder push to reopen case
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. -- Supporters of a man convicted of murder are asking McLean County authorities to reopen the case. In 2001, Jamie Snow, of Bloomington, was convicted of the 1991 murder of a gas station attendant during an armed robbery.
May 2, 2012: New Billboard Aims to Prove Snow's Innocence
BLOOMINGTON--A brand new billboard is encouraging people to help a convicted murderer prove he didn't do the crime. The sign supports Jamie Snow, who is serving a life sentence in prison for the 1991 murder of gas station attendant Bill Little.
April 18, 2012: Convicted murderer appeals to Illinois Supreme Court
Lawyers for a man convicted of murder in a 1991 central Illinois killing want the Illinois Supreme Court to take his case. Continue reading →
April 17, 2012: Snow appeals to Illinois highest court
The Committee to Free Jamie Snow (CFJS) announced today that a petition was filed last week with the Illinois Supreme Court requesting leave to appeal the Fourth District's Appellate Court decision denying Snow a hearing to present new evidence in the 2000 murder conviction of a gas station attendant during an apparent armed robbery. Continue reading →
April 18, 2012:
May 2, 2012:

Jamie Snow was wrongfully convicted in 2001 of killing William Little during a robbery of a service station in Bloomington where Little worked as an attendant. Jamie is currently serving life in prison. Jamie Snow is innocent.
Jamie Snow Interview from Stateville Prison on Nov 25, 2011
Injustice Anywhere
an organization working to bring more attention to victims of wrongful conviction
Jeffrey Havard
an organization working to correct wrongful convictions
Recent News & Updates
Injustice Anywhere
an organization working to bring more attention to victims of wrongful conviction
Jeffrey Havard
an organization working to correct wrongful convictions