Eyewitness Testimony News Articles

This is a small sampling of articles relating to wrongful conviction cases involving faulty eyewitness testimony.

April 10, 2012:  Identity crisis: Eyewitness ID's come under suspicion

February 4, 2012:  Bennett S. Barbour Wrongful conviction, delayed justice

December 11, 2011: Thomas Haynesworth fully exonerated by Va. appeals court

November 22, 2011: Obie Anthony, freed after 17 years in prison, looks forward to Thanksgiving at home

October 24, 2011: In New Jersey, Rules Are Changed on Witness IDs

October 11, 2011:  Conviction fails to end questions - Police and prosecutors re-examine 1996 murder case

October 11, 2011:  Eyewitness Testimony Faulty

August, 2011:  SanDiego Magazine: Guilty Until Proven Innocent

September 10, 2010:  Cody Vandenberg, imprisoned for 14 years, released as Brown County prosecutors ponder retrial

August 7, 2010: False witness: Mistaken eyewitness testimony is far too common in wrongful imprisonment cases

May 7, 2010:  Duke Law celebrates release of Shawn Massey

October 21, 2009:  Dallas DA, DPD Reopen 1997 Murder Case, and Discover They Convicted the Wrong Men

September 2, 2009:  DNA Clears Man Held on Rape Charge Since '95

July 31, 2009: Suspect Cleared of Bank Heists: Man Set Free After Another Admits to Committing Crimes

July 12, 2009: Eyewitness: How Accurate Is Visual Memory?

March 7, 2009:  After DNA test, Richmond man awaits pardon in rape case

October 12, 2008:  18 Dallas County cases overturned by DNA relied on heavily eyewitness testimony

July 30, 2008:  Innocence Project Argues DNA Clears Newark Man

May 21, 2008:  After nearly 26 years in prison, man to go free in rape case

February 7, 2008:  Mother freed from prison for crime she didn't commit

October 22, 2007: Rape conviction gone, stigma isn't - 20 years later, DNA clears man of crime

October 4, 2007: Man exonerated 14 years after rape conviction

October 4, 2007: Dwayne Allen Dail: Man cleared after 18 years in prison

November 20, 2005:  Did Texas execute an innocent man? THE CANTU CASE: DEATH AND DOUBT

April 5, 1999:  Stanford Law School (PDF): The Problem with Eyewitness Testimony a talk by Barbara Tversky, Professor of Psychology and George Fisher, Professor of Law
Eyewitness Testimony News Articles
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