an organization working to correct wrongful convictions
an organization working to correct wrongful convictions
Copyright © 2013 Injustice Anywhere LLC
Bruce Fischer
Injustice Anywhere Executive Director
Founder of Injustice in Perugia

Bruce Fischer is an author and blogger that became involved with the Amanda Knox case in December 2009. He is the founder of Injustice in Perugia (IIP), an independent grassroots organization working to correct the injustice committed against Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito in Perugia, Italy. The organization grew rapidly after he launched, a comprehensive website detailing the case against Amanda and Raffaele.
Bruce is the author of "Injustice in Perugia: a book detailing the wrongful conviction of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito" and a follow-up book titled "Finding Justice in Perugia." Bruce's work with IIP opened his eyes to a growing worldwide problem that continues to go mostly unnoticed by anyone not directly affected. Wrongful convictions occur all around the world. We must do more to prevent the unjust imprisonment of innocent people, and in doing so, we must focus on the the larger picture, not just the cases we see highlighted on television. If we choose to turn our backs on this epidemic, we risk creating more victims like Clarence Elkins, Christopher Turner, and Danny Brown. Who are these people? Even though their cases were not sensational enough to get the attention of cable news programs, they were all cases of wrongful conviction, only to be corrected after each had lost many years of their lives. There are hundreds of similar cases that go mostly unnoticed, but are of no less importance than any case that happens to attract the attention of the media.
Now that Amanda and Raffaele are free (pending the outcome of their re-trial), Bruce has now expanded his efforts, working to develop Injustice Anywhere, an organization working to correct wrongful convictions.